In a wonderful world we have balance. We achieve balance with the presence of two structures. 1. The outer world: The love of our family, the value of our jobs, our responsibilities, our important relationships and our not-so-important relationships. The outward important manifestation of our daily lives. 2. The inner world, which possesses and reflects our creative lives. Also our … [Read more...]
A teen can be your greatest teacher
Treat your children and teens with compassion, and take what they have to say seriously. Admit and come to terms with the fact that your children feel pain and loneliness and shame more than you know. Realize that you have been instrumental in creating their pain and loneliness -- not entirely responsible, but you certainly have contributed. You have a shadow too, one that was created as a … [Read more...]
Depression: Don’t suffer needlessly
Depression affects millions of Americans every year. If untreated, depression can become a debilitating and dangerous disease. There are many reasons for depression and there are many treatment approaches to help people recover. It's important to recognize some of the symptoms and not minimize or deny them. They can sneak up on you. Are you experiencing any of the following? 1. … [Read more...]
Take your daily dose of happiness
Given all the stress and responsibility in our busy lives, it's important to remember to interrupt the day with little nurturing interventions that will serve us in a loving and gentle way. The happiness in our lives comes in part from the way we treat ourselves and expect to be treated by others. Here are some tips to help you get through your day with more self-care and … [Read more...]
Helping teens cross the great divide
Contrary to belief, teenagers suffer from a great deal of loneliness and confusion. They need the guidance, love and support of parents as well as older neighbors and friends. Erik Erikson identified this developmental stage as "identity vs. role confusion," explaining why we often see teens experimenting with new ways of communicating -- clothing styles, music, creativity and offbeat … [Read more...]