As the years go by, don’t let sexual contact and the resulting connection disappear from your relationship. They remain vital. Older couples often get set in their ways. Old habits do die hard. While the first blush of love and the early years of any relationship are full of heat and passion, this intensity will pass. Slowing down is a normal progression and part of life. Yet there is no … [Read more...]
What a one-night stand can tell you
Have you ever had a one-night stand? Are you thinking of having one? I don't mean an affair that occurred over weeks or months. I mean a one-night stand. One time. One night. Ever thought about why you wanted to have a fling -- or why you had one? Looking back, did it help or hurt you or your marriage or romantic partnership? Did you confess to your spouse or partner? Did that help or … [Read more...]
Sexual healing for your relationship
Sex is important for men and women. In this age of distractions, pressures and stress it can be easy to forget just how essential sex and lovemaking are in our lives. We are sexual by nature, and it's healthful to value and celebrate this vital part of who we are. If a week or more has gone by and you and your partner have not made love, you might want to consider: Why? Are you avoiding one … [Read more...]
Flirting with disaster: emotional affairs
What's all the fuss about? Emotional affairs can begin quite innocently ... supposedly. A cup of coffee in the break room with a co-worker, a few intimate exchanges with a friend's wife or a student or neighbor -- all seemingly harmless, right? What if these exchanges increase little by little, and the next thing you know the context becomes more intimate. For example, you begin to share … [Read more...]