In the heart of Los Angeles, an apocalyptic event struck seemingly out of nowhere. High winds, commonly referred to as the Santa Anas, are not unfamiliar to Angelenos. Nor are wildfires, brush fires or other types of blazes that catch the winds and wreak havoc in areas around this sprawling city, 10 million strong and beyond. But this week came something never seen or experienced. The … [Read more...]
Grief & loss: When we come to mourn
Grief & loss are guaranteed. We all face them as conscious, self-aware beings. No one is exempt. We come to mourn family, friends, pets, homes, aspects of ourselves lost through aging or illness -- all of which we have loved and cherished over the years. Grief remains a universal experience, visiting its pain upon all socioeconomic strata, creeds, and races. Yet no two losses in life are … [Read more...]
My father the POW, ‘Fighting on Film’
I am the daughter of a British army prisoner of war at Changi, a notorious WWII camp in the jungles north of Singapore. My father, Percy Herbert, went on to become a film actor. His early movies included the Oscar-winning "The Bridge on the River Kwai," directed by David Lean. Ironically the film was based on the very same concentration camp where my father was held for four years. Forced to … [Read more...]
When the hero takes a fall
While post-traumatic stress disorder is experienced by many, PTSD resulting from combat has an enduring impact on veterans. This emerges in hidden, profound and sometimes shattering ways. Combat veterans typically are regarded by their communities as heroes and heroines. Invincible protectors. It is an order of the broadest and highest expectations. Yet it often leaves these heroes destined to … [Read more...]
Trauma on the world stage
Israel. Gaza. Ukraine. Violent divisive protests across the globe. Rising antisemitism. A killer hurricane on Mexico’s Pacific Coast. Threats of nuclear war. Of late, the world has seen an unprecedented series of events evoking trauma states within individuals. These traumas manifest in various ways. Some overtly. Others subtle or hidden. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is not only … [Read more...]
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