In the heart of Los Angeles, an apocalyptic event struck seemingly out of nowhere. High winds, commonly referred to as the Santa Anas, are not unfamiliar to Angelenos. Nor are wildfires, brush fires or other types of blazes that catch the winds and wreak havoc in areas around this sprawling city, 10 million strong and beyond. But this week came something never seen or experienced. The … [Read more...]
Easing back to the new normal in the workplace
2022 brought with it some real hope and change as businesses began to inch back into life. Employers and employees are operating in the "new normal," mostly freed from the constraints imposed by Covid-19. While some employers continue to permit work from home -- remote staffing appears here to stay -- many others have required their employees to return to a single nuclear base. Ideally, … [Read more...]
Ease pandemic anxiety with ‘specificity’
It's been about 18 months since we were advised that Covid-19 had arrived on our shores. We viewed the announcement with uncertainty and skepticism. Then we were blindsided and shocked as the virus began taking the lives of loved ones, friends, neighbors and strangers. Now, a year and a half later, many are still gripped by fear of this strange and invisible phenomenon, despite extraordinary … [Read more...]
Stepping back into sunlight: a cautionary tale
Some of the most difficult experiences we can encounter come after we've been injured and begin the prospect of healing. Regardless of whether our injuries are physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, the journey back always seems daunting. Yet we're full of hope, empowered by a desire to move forward. After more than a year of Covid-19 lockdown, some states are reopening indoor dining, … [Read more...]
Taking the panic out of pandemic
The word pandemic conjures up a host of overwhelming thoughts and feelings. The idea that a virus could be so enormous, so powerful, that it would pose a global threat is something only imagined in movies and sci-fi novels ... until now. While history shows us that numerous parts of the world previously suffered life-threatening and life-taking viruses, this is the first time in this … [Read more...]
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