Today, the traditional destructive way of repressing vital emotions continues to be concealed by those old numbing tricks of popping a pill, having a drink, going on the Internet to find some pornography. Staying late at work, having an affair.
Sooner or later the pill or a drink or the drugs or the Internet will only fill so much of a temporary void until another drink or hit is needed … and then another. It’s a harsh and cruel way of silencing the heartfelt sentiments of people’s inner child — yet one that has become more socially acceptable than outward expression of pain.
Most people are aware of an intuitive feeling that speaks to them from deep within their souls. As time goes by, however, it isn’t easy or familiar for the child to express feelings. In these times, for the inner child, it sometimes seems much safer not to feel.
Many people ignore the relevance of the world of their inner child, perhaps because it is just too upsetting or scary to pierce the veil of outer reality. With 50 million American families living with the disease of alcoholism, it’s time we took the impact of the lack of expression of emotions seriously.
The sad and tragic effect is that we move through our busy distracted day, occupied with work, kids, school, projects and addictions. This valuable piece of ourselves gets lost, locked away, trapped, unattended. The fact is, the soul is like a beautiful abundant garden that can easily go to weed if left uncared for.
We need to wake up. These neglected inner parts of our lives are in grave danger.